WHA Drop/Add/Withdraw Petition

Contact us

Heather Zaruba, M.A.
Director of Wesleyan Honors Academy
(402) 465-2415
hzaruba [at] NebrWesleyan.edu (hzaruba[at]NebrWesleyan[dot]edu)

Krista Cox
Assistant Director, Wesleyan Honors Academy
kcox [at] thestudioentrance.com (kcox[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Andrea Howell
Administrative Assistant, Wesleyan Honors Academy
(402) 465-7605
ahowell [at] thestudioentrance.com (ahowell[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

WHA Drop/Add/Withdraw Petition

Deadline for registration

Regular registration for classes starting in August runs through the first Friday in October. For classes starting in January, the regular registration deadline is the second Friday in February. Regular registration is completed using the online registration form.

Adding a course late without petition

Late registrations will be accepted if they are submitted within two weeks of the registration deadline using the online registration form. A $15.00 late registration fee will be assessed if your registration occurs during the late add period. You will not receive an ID card or t-shirt if you register late. After the two week late add period, registration changes can only be made through a petition process.

Adding a course late with petition

If your instructor agrees, you may add a course after the late registration period has passed, but before the end of the high school class for the following reasons:

  • You were incapacitated at the time of regular and late registration and could not complete the process at that time.
  • Your family was having financial difficulties at the time of registration that have been resolved.
  • You were waiting to see which college you would attend which influenced whether the course was appropriate for you to complete.

Dropping or withdrawing from a course

Enrolled students desiring to be removed from a Wesleyan Honors Academy course must make their request through the petition process.

  • If the NWU Honors Academy student drops the high school course, they must also drop the Nebraska Wesleyan course by the deadline stated on the enrollment form for a refund of tuition.
  • If a student withdraws from the Wesleyan course after the deadline, a refund will not be granted.
  • Failure to follow withdrawal procedures will result in a grade of “F” on the NWU transcript.

Please email Heather Zaruba at hzaruba [at] thestudioentrance.com (hzaruba[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) if you have questions.